4-Week Strict Muscle Up Program

The strict ring muscle up is one of the best tests of upper body and core strength. Every repetition combines grip, pulling, pushing and abdominal strength! There is no wonder you'll find the movement being done in CrossFit boxes, parkour gyms, adult gymnastics programs and in home gyms.

However, many people find themselves lacking in one or two of the components of the muscle up - most commonly the false grip and the transition. These two elements are often under trained or trained incorrectly.

The following 4-week program assumes that you have a minimum of 5 strict pull-ups on a bar and 5 strict ring dips. It contains three training sessions per week of easy to follow muscle up drills and progressions that should take no more than 15-20 minutes each day and can be done alongside your current fitness routine. Challenge a friend to do the program with you and hold each other accountable - consistency is key!

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to download a free PDF copy of the program.

Good luck!