Best Way to Scale Strict Pull-Ups

So the answer to this question is a bit easier than scaling a dip or muscle up. For assistance in strict pull-ups, we suggest using lighter bands. Use a band that challenges you, but allows you to complete all of the work required in a workout or pull-up set. The goal with this scale is to slowly work your way down to thinner and thinner bands until you do not need one at all.

Other than using bands, there are plenty of great drills to practice to get your first strict pull-up or become more efficient at them. A workout may not always be the best place to use these drills, but they are definitely valuable cash-outs or accessory work.

First, let's talk about negatives. Using a box or some type of height assistance, jump (or kip) to the top of a pull-up and slowly lower yourself down to a straight arm hang. These are arguably the most efficient method for a pull-up progression however, you should not do these in high volumes if you are not used to doing negatives. Because of the eccentric concentration of this movement you very well may be feeling pretty fatigued and sore.

A second drill you can practice is ring rows. Ring rows are a common scaling method for strict and kipping pull-ups, but as we’ve mentioned before, ring rows are an extremely valuable movement. The progression with ring rows would be the distance your feet are in front of the rings. The closer to the rings your feet are, the easier the movement is. The farther your feet are in-front of the rings, the more difficult this movement becomes.

Lastly, you can use assistance from a friend or a box by having them hold your feet or placing your toes on a box. Similar to a band, this technique allows you to control the amount of weight assistance you need to complete a set while still being challenged. 

Happy training!
~ The False Grips Team